Recommend an IPAD?

There are 25 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 2,487 times. The last Post () by gordyboy.

  • Thinking of getting an ipad but slightly confused with which one to get and which one I can jailbreak

    Can anyone recommend


    The iPad 2 on iOS5 is currently the only model / variation awaiting a working jailbreak!

    Obviously the 2 is faster, has cameras and a few other bits and bobs but unless you're going to be playing games I'm not sure you would notice much difference!

    The iPad 3 is due in the next few months so it might be worth waiting if you're not in any major rush!

  • samsung 10.1 tablet blows the ipad out of the water .. u can put custom roms on ect i have overclocked mine so it has two proccessors running at 1.4 ghz

    fast as fxxxk no going through programmes to add music ect its all drag and drop



  • I am in agreement with rocco69er. I have never owned anything by Apple so I can't comment so much, but I think it is an idea to think of iPads as what they are - tablets - and then you will open your eyes to other tablets, with other operating systems. You may find an android tablet suits your needs and at a price you like!

    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


  • I've had an ipad 1 since release and to be honest wouldnt go any whare without it, the only bad point is you cant see the screen in direct sunlight (outside by pool etc) the ipad 2 is the same.

    The rumours are that the ipad 3 fixes this with a new version of their iphone 4 retiner display, but i'll wait and see.

    Sandman is correct if going for ipad 2 get one before 5.1 ios is out. {the jailbreak is getting harder to deliver with every update}

    If its not broke --- fix it anyway.

  • Quote

    I want most you can get from a tablet sandman !!

    For one thing, if you want flash video support then you need to be looking at an Android tab, because this is a no no with an iPad. This is why I chose an Android tablet over an iPad.

    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


  • A lot of sites use flash - apple choose not to support flash so adobe are unable to create a versioin that will work with apple devices such as the iPad. There is an app called iSwifter which allows you to play flash games, but flash video is a no no. If the iPad 2 were to be jailbroken, it might be possible somehow. The idea apple have is that other media content delivery methods such as HTML 5 will replace flash eventually, but that remains to be seen. A lot of video clip sites (expecially xxx sites) use flash. I know a lot of UK catchup TV sites use flash but some will have alternative formats to allow the content to be viewed on an iPad (iPlayer for example).

    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


  • "Software company Adobe announced it will abandon the development of its Flash Player plug-in for mobile devices. It says it will concentrate on the HTML 5 technology instead."

    If you really need flash, get an Android...the mobile market is so big, companies have no choice but to move to HTML5 but it'll obviously take time...

    I don't even humour flash on my desktops and laptops but maybe thats just me lol

    I'm happy to use any device that suits my to avoid the fanboi's and just get the device that suits *you* joint10

  • so..the question begs : ¿ what are the top 10 "needs" looked for in a tab/ ipad ??? just like carmine,,,it´s a nice idea to have something new to tinker around with,and in my case with a BB9700(blackberry) I cant access server ,etc, can´t read my posts hereas the screen is way too small even with zoom + glasses on...looking forward to these replies and keep it clean please ;)

    ¿ what are the top 10 "needs" looked for in a tab/ ipad ???
    ¿ which gives best value for money ??

  • so..the question begs : ¿ what are the top 10 "needs" looked for in a tab/ ipad ??? just like carmine,,,it´s a nice idea to have something new to tinker around with,and in my case with a BB9700(blackberry) I cant access server ,etc, can´t read my posts hereas the screen is way too small even with zoom + glasses on...looking forward to these replies and keep it clean please ;)

    ¿ what are the top 10 "needs" looked for in a tab/ ipad ???
    ¿ which gives best value for money ??

    speed ........................... flash video is a must ................. and the ease of putting music and applications on ie drag and drop

    THATS IPAD out of the window get a SAMSUNG 10.1 custom roms ect mess with the operating system its wicked enough saidjoint10



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