Freezing on Premium Channels

There are 3 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 704 times. The last Post () by sep8001.

  • Hi

    I am using oscam on my vu duo with a share from friend who is also using oscam (this has recently been setup by me with help from this forum) on his eagle Linux box.

    What I have noticed is that when watching the premium channels like sly comedy and sports I get a lot of freezing.

    Is this a problem at my end or something to do at his end?



    Re installed oscam 11245 and all the files including the config files from from this post…/page2?highlight=vu+oscam

    Seems to have resolved the issue on the sports channel, but the comedy, discovery still getting a lot of freezing.

    ecm is found (228 ms), is this too high.

    Thank you

    edit 2:

    I have now also tried a direct connection from the router to the box and issue remain.

    Thank you

    Edited 2 times, last by sep8001 ().

  • To calulate ecm time, add card reader responce + server ping time.
    Card reader time for a uk card is around 92 - 93 ms
    Ping the server to get ping time.
    If the reader time and ping don`t add up, the server doesn`t have the actual card and you are using his reshare.

    Thank you MasterG, will give that a go when I get home. The card is definitely in the box as I set it up with your help.

    I have given a reshare from my to another friend and have asked him to check if those channels freeze for him.

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