e2m3u2bouquet Enigma2 IPTV Bouquets with EPG

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  • ok first this is not mine but something i have tried and i would say work in progress

    So what does it do?

    • Downloads an m3u file and creates enigma bouquets and channels from the m3u data.
    • Also creates unique service references for use with EPG importers
    • Creates EPG-Importer source files using XML TV EPG data streams
    • Option to split VOD bouquets by initial category

    In english this means enigma2 users (vuplus / dreambox, zgemma etc) can get a similar IPTV experience to a mag254 or perfect player user. Eg Channels split into groups with EPG data on your enigma box.

    NB: The script does not touch or change any of your existing bouquets

    How do i use it?

    1. ftp the e2m3u2bouquet.py to your engima2 box (i would suggest to /home/root)
    2. ssh to your enigma2 box (using putty or something similar)
    3. cd to the correct directory if you are not already there cd /home/root
    4. make script executable chmod 777 e2m3u2bouquet.py
    5. run the script passing the url for your m3u file and the url for your epg XML TV data feed
      note: you need to replace the username and password values X 2 and server:port
      python e2m3u2bouquet.py "http://server:port/get.php?username=YOURUSERNAME&password=YOURPASSWORD&type=m3u_plus&output=ts" "http://server:port/xmltv.php?username=YOURUSERNAME&password=YOURPASSWORD"
    6. No need to reboot

    Additionally If you want epg data

    1. open EPG-Importer plugin (download it if you haven’t already got it)
    2. select sources (Blue button on openvix)
    3. enable all the IPTV UK sources created by the script
    4. Kick off a manual EPG import

    the script should work but you will obviously need the m3u url (1st
    parameter) and XML TV url (2nd parameter) for your a stream you have found. Please
    note the m3u file needs to be the “extended” version if you have the

    there is other post on the thread here https://www.suls.co.uk/enigma2-iptv-bouquets-with-epg/

    that will go further regards cron timers etc

    now iv tried it with 2 free iptv iv found, on both it split the files into different bouquets and epg was made, but was a limited one as that depends on source

    have fun, hope it will help a few people that want multiple bouquets

    as i said this is not mine all thanks to the testers and the original source from Tommycahir

    PLEASE BACK UP FIRST, dont take responsability for boxes crashing or boot loops

  • This is using a very early beta script.

    I would do a google search for AutoIPTV UKSat we took this script some 4 weeks ago and have advanced it considerably.

    1, User input of user n pass from IPTV Provider, multi VOD Splitting, removal of XXX, selection of stream type.

    2, auto download of M3u .

    3, splitting of bouquets via categories.

    4, all UK channels with correct service ref for EPG & Picon (if you have them in picon folder)

    5, m3u file updated daily for new VOD additions.

    6, This script will be taken even further with the right help...........

  • had a quick look at it,but am i right in thinking is only for 1 iptv,where suls one i can use more or less any i want

  • That's a subjective call.

    The scripts we are working on are limited to highpteev as that is where we started working on it.

    But a couple of address changes and it will work on others.

    Once the script is more user friendly with hiding of unwanted bouquets, non UK EPG we will adapt it so provider can be named in the configuration, then it will be turned into a plugin which might take some time, at the moment we have no expertise in GUI implementation.

  • Not got round to testing this yet, but looks a very promising project.

    I can't help you with the plugin building (one day I will teach myself plugins), but may I add if you do go down the plugin route, it would be very useful if you design it so skinners can skin it via their own files, rather than a skin folder in the plugin. Its so much easier for us.


    ** A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected **

  • Not got round to testing this yet, but looks a very promising project.

    I can't help you with the plugin building (one day I will teach myself plugins), but may I add if you do go down the plugin route, it would be very useful if you design it so skinners can skin it via their own files, rather than a skin folder in the plugin. Its so much easier for us.


    This will be foremost in our mind. Once we get round to a plugin. The script we are working on is along the same lines as suls, we are in conversation and have "borrowed" each others code. We are all working towards the same goal here.

    There is plenty of life left in Enigma2 boxes and no reason why they cant work as well if not better then the mag, and without a doubt easier to navigate.

  • Having trouble with this I chmod 777 and ./e2m3u2bouquet.py -n PROVIDER -u Username -p Passwod but I get ./e2m3u2bouquet.py: /usr/bin/python^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory that is version 0.4 with 0.3 py I get ': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

    What am I doing wrong with this my provider gives my a script that normally works grate but they are having dropbox issues so I thought I would give this a try

    Edit sorted it I ended up opening the py file with notepad++ and noticed that it was in windows format an changed it to Unix and ran it again

    Edited once, last by dsayers ().

  • Hi tested that script out it works very well if you got a good epg source you can just run it against an m3u plus file then epg like below

    ./e2m3u2bouquet.py -m "http://????????????:8080/get.php?username=????????&password=?????????&type=m3u_plus&output=ts" -e "http://???.???.???.???/epg/epg.xml.gz" -P -i

    That installs the picons as well 0.4 tested

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