Bootvideo tutorijal by @mika

There are 12 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 4,772 times. The last Post () by mika.

  • vidim da u zadnje vrijeme ima dovoljno upita kako instalirati bootvideo u resiver.

    Evo tutorijal.

    za početak treba vam bootvideo-sphere-sgs_all.ipk( datoteka priložena )

    ili ako koristite satvenus panel, od tamo možete skinuti direktno u resiver.

    pripremite bootvideo i 3 mvi datoteke koje želite koristiti.

    sada kreće pravi tutorijal!

    Nakon instalacije bootvideo-sphere-sgs_all datoteke napravite reboot resivera

    (kod ponovnog pokretana resivera vidjet ćete promjenu ).

    sada idemo zamijeniti bootvideo i mvi datoteke koje ste odabrali.

    1.pokrenuti DCC (ili što već koristite ).

    2 putanja usr/share/vuplus-bootlogo

    3.otvoriti vuplus-bootlogo folder i samo zamijeniti bootvideo i 3 mvi datoteke

    sada ide drugi dio poslića koji je bitan da se vidi vaš bootvideo i bootlogo (slika )

    - usr/share ( tu se nalaze 3 mvi datoteke ) koje morate obrisati i samo ubaciti vaš


    nakon svega ovoga ponovno napravite reboot resivera i to je to.

    kod pokretanja resivera vidjet ćete svoj odabrani bootvideo i bootlogo.

    nadam se da sam vam ovim tutorijalom dovoljno pomogao.

    ovo vrijedi za sve enigma2 resivere ( ne samo za vu+).

    evo i priložene slike za bolje snalaženje.


    I see that lately there is enough query to install the bootvideo in the resiver.

    Here's the tutorial.

    To get started you need bootvideo-sphere-sgs_all.ipk (file attached)

    or if you use a satvenus panel, from there you can download directly to the resiver.

    Prepare the bootvideo and the 3 mvi files you want to use.

    now the real tutorial is moving!

    After installing the bootvideo-sphere-sgs_all file, make the reboot of the rescue

    (you'll see a change for a resetable resiver).

    now we are going to replace the bootvideo and mvi files you have selected.

    1. Turn DCC (or whatever you are using).

    2 paths usr / share / vuplus-bootlogo

    3. open the vuplus-bootlogo folder and just replace the bootvideo and 3 mvi files

    Now, another part of the job is going, which is important to see your bootvideo and bootlogo (image)

    - usr / share (there are 3 mvi files) that you need to delete and just insert your


    after all this, re-create the reboot reboot, and that's it.

    When starting rescue, you will see your selected bootvideo and bootlogo.

    I hope that I have helped you with this tutorial enough.

    This applies to all enigma2 receivers (not just for woo +).

    Here are the attached images for better use.





  • Thanks. I need to change the first logo, can someone please thelme who i do that.

    Ex. In one image OpenATV, i made by this manual but the image OpenATV i can not change or delete why ??


  • gabi_2005 probat ću ti što što detaljnije opisati što trebaš učiniti.

    dakle svaki image ima u sebi datoteku splash_auto.bin(ako ne želiš vidjeti logo, moraš ga obrisati ( vidi sliku )).

    najbolje ti je da prvo instaliraš sluzbeni image za tvoj box(open source OI 3.0) ( nemoj obrisati splash_auto.bin ).

    nakon instalacije tog sluzbenog imagea imat češ glavni službeni bootlogo.

    sada mozeš instalirati bilo koji image ( openatv,openvix,blackhole,openblackhole,itd,itd..) ne zaboravi da prije instalacije obavezno obrišeš tu datoteku splash_auto.bin!! eto ja mislim da sam ti dao dovoljan trag što trebaš ućiniti. sretno.


    gabi_2005 I'll try to give you a more detailed description of what you need to do.

    so each image has its own splash_auto.bin file (if you do not want to see the logo, you have to delete it (see image)).

    it is best to first install the official image for your box (open source OI 3.0) (do not delete splash_auto.bin).

    after installing this official image you will have the main official bootlogo.

    now you can install any image (openatv, openvix, blackhole, openblackhole, etc, etc ..) do not forget to clear this file splash_auto.bin !! Well, I think I've given you enough evidence of what you need to do. good luck.

    tordijal T-90 multifeed 5w,0.8w,1.9e,4.8e,9e,13e,16e,19.2e,23.5e,28e,33e,39e
    Triax 80 - Hispasat 30W
    Sony Masters OLED XR-48A90K
    VU UNO 4K SE - open atv,open pli,open BH....
    FTE Eye 5G Lte2( 21-48 ) - Sveta Nedelja & Zaprešić
    SPAUN sparos HD DVB-T(2)/DVB-S(2) Analyzer
    Playstation 5

  • uredu, sada možete instalirati image po želji(openatv,openvix...),ali prije nego započnete instalaciju imagea (naprimjer openatv ) u njemu potražite splash_auto.bin file i brišite ga.

    kad to napravite,tada mozete slobodno izvršiti instalaciju imagea.

    Now, you can now install the image as you wish (openatv, openvix ...), but before you start installing the image (for example openatv) look for splash_auto.bin file in it and delete it.

    when you do, then you can freely execute the image installation.

    tordijal T-90 multifeed 5w,0.8w,1.9e,4.8e,9e,13e,16e,19.2e,23.5e,28e,33e,39e
    Triax 80 - Hispasat 30W
    Sony Masters OLED XR-48A90K
    VU UNO 4K SE - open atv,open pli,open BH....
    FTE Eye 5G Lte2( 21-48 ) - Sveta Nedelja & Zaprešić
    SPAUN sparos HD DVB-T(2)/DVB-S(2) Analyzer
    Playstation 5

  • Thanks. I have a problem though, The bootvideo plays only on first boot and then it doesnt work anymore.

    I have an VU+ ZERO 4K with OpenATV 6.2.

  • bootvideo appears only when a deep restart resiver is running.

    tordijal T-90 multifeed 5w,0.8w,1.9e,4.8e,9e,13e,16e,19.2e,23.5e,28e,33e,39e
    Triax 80 - Hispasat 30W
    Sony Masters OLED XR-48A90K
    VU UNO 4K SE - open atv,open pli,open BH....
    FTE Eye 5G Lte2( 21-48 ) - Sveta Nedelja & Zaprešić
    SPAUN sparos HD DVB-T(2)/DVB-S(2) Analyzer
    Playstation 5

  • žao mi je panda555 ali jednostavno neznam. ne koristim dreambox. netko ko zna na forumu objasniće ti postupak na usb.

    tordijal T-90 multifeed 5w,0.8w,1.9e,4.8e,9e,13e,16e,19.2e,23.5e,28e,33e,39e
    Triax 80 - Hispasat 30W
    Sony Masters OLED XR-48A90K
    VU UNO 4K SE - open atv,open pli,open BH....
    FTE Eye 5G Lte2( 21-48 ) - Sveta Nedelja & Zaprešić
    SPAUN sparos HD DVB-T(2)/DVB-S(2) Analyzer
    Playstation 5

  • Ne radi ni kada ga iskljucim iz struje ,nesto je problem do imagea.Na BlackHole 3.0.8 bot video radi posle svakog restarta.Na ATV 6.2 nece,pojavi se posle prvog restarta i kada ga resetujem drugi put vise ne radi.

  • Discussion of article Enigma2 Boot Video Tutorial:

    This guide is intended to show you how to install a boot video on any enigma2 receiver. Croation and english translation provided.

    tordijal T-90 multifeed 5w,0.8w,1.9e,4.8e,9e,13e,16e,19.2e,23.5e,28e,33e,39e
    Triax 80 - Hispasat 30W
    Sony Masters OLED XR-48A90K
    VU UNO 4K SE - open atv,open pli,open BH....
    FTE Eye 5G Lte2( 21-48 ) - Sveta Nedelja & Zaprešić
    SPAUN sparos HD DVB-T(2)/DVB-S(2) Analyzer
    Playstation 5

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