MultiStalker Pro - discussion & support

There are 1,537 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 355,028 times. The last Post () by sabrintos.

  • What is happening with the API KEY (subdl_key": "ddGGGccc000VVVfffTTTdddHHdddHHH_m) or the subdl site that is not working with MultistalkerPro 1.2?



    "tmdb_key": "9898989890009898776889987767"



    "subdl_key": "ddGGGccc000VVVfffTTTdddHHdddHHH_m"



    "host": "",

    "mac": "00:00:00:00:00:00",

    "type": 1



    I have already installed both API Keys (tmdb_key and subdl_key), the structure of multistalkerpro 1.2 is ok, everything works fine but when I want to upload a subtitle 99,9% of the time it gives an error, even in recent or very successful movies.

    jpg: 20240619_161404.jpg and 2 other files
    Visit this link to download: 20240619_161404.jpg and 2 other files

    Edited once, last by corpina ().

  • We have a problem on Qviart dual UHD

    there is a distortion and freezing in the picture and sound in ( VOD and Tv Shows ), live tv work fine .
    all the PVR PLAYER in the plugin not working with Multistalker in QVIART DUAL UHD (all images) arm.

    i had the same problem with E2iplayer plugin, but its work fine with this PLAYER : STANDARD !!
    Can you add it with the others PVR PLAYER
    thank youu

    I have the same problem too.

    With Qviart dual UHD

  • Check whether you have the SUBDL key written down (if you really see it there) in the plugin itself, in Settings





    Nosce te ipsum.

  • Yes I know that!

    As soon as I put my APY KEY subdl_key": "ddGGGccc000VVVfffTTTdddHHdddHHH_m on MultistalkerPro.json, it appears in the indicated location.

    The problem comes next, when I want to upload a subtitle 99,9% of the time it gives an error.

    jpg: 20240619_174351.jpg
    Visit this link to download: 20240619_174351.jpg

    Edited once, last by corpina ().

  • exact same error for me. Best PVR player?

  • You are able to understand that:

    Você é capaz de entender isso:

    1. in the TMDB line, do you only choose the language in which the description of the given film will be displayed?

    1. na linha TMDB, você escolhe apenas o idioma em que será exibida a descrição do determinado filme?


    2. in the line SubDL subtitles language (Press Ok) do you choose the language for subtitles?

    2. na linha Idioma das legendas SubDL (pressione Ok) você escolhe o idioma das legendas?


    3. if there is no file with subtitles in the required language on the SubDL server, do you get an error screen?

    3. se não houver nenhum arquivo com legendas no idioma desejado no servidor SubDL, você recebe uma tela de erro?


    We have a saying:

    Where there is nothing, even the devil or a divorced woman does not take from there.

    Temos um ditado:

    Onde não há nada, nem o diabo ou a mulher divorciada tiram daí.

    Nosce te ipsum.

  • MultistalkerPro .ipk install only with this command:

    opkg install --force-depends /tmp/*.ipk

    Thanks. Just tried that but I still get the following:

    root@sf8008:~# opkg install --force-depends /tmp/*.ipk

    Installing python3-dateutil (2.8.2) on root.

    Downloading…ortexa15hf-neon-vfpv4/pyt hon3-dateutil_2.8.2-r0_cortexa15hf-neon-vfpv4.ipk.

    Installing python3-zoneinfo (3.11.2) on root.

    Downloading…ortexa15hf-neon-vfpv4/pyt hon3-zoneinfo_3.11.2-r0_cortexa15hf-neon-vfpv4.ipk.

    Installing enigma2-plugin-extensions-multi-stalkerpro (1.2+git98+f8a2afa0+f8a2af acb3) on root.

    * pkg_extract_data_file_names_to_stream: Failed to extract data.tar.* from pack age '/tmp/enigma2-plugin-extensions-multi-stalkerpro_1.2+git98+f8a2afa0+f8a2afac b3-r0_all.ipk'.

    * pkg_get_installed_files: Error extracting file list from /tmp/enigma2-plugin- extensions-multi-stalkerpro_1.2+git98+f8a2afa0+f8a2afacb3-r0_all.ipk.

    * opkg_solver_install: Cannot install package enigma2-plugin-extensions-multi-s talkerpro.

    Configuring python3-zoneinfo.

    Configuring python3-dateutil.

    I suspect I am missing an unpacker for extracting compressed files but have no idea how to fix that.

  • Hello, would like to install Multi-Stalkerpro on my DM7080.
    Image is Newnigma2.
    If there is a way if possible, someone could tell me the procedure.

  • Just reporting not to bother anymore because I resolved my problem.
    Don't ask me what changed because I have no idea and did again the same things I did before but I tried again to install via USB and this time it worked.
    Thanks anyway balkanac .
    Now I'll try with OBH that gave me the about same problem.

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