
There are 120 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 9,646 times. The last Post () by smoky.

  • What language is it in? Try to go in order and you'll see because you won't make a mistake. You press it and you'll see that there must be a password and language change somewhere. Just make sure it's not in Arabic.

    Edited once, last by pinokio0 ().

  • When you install you have the first menu where you setup the language, so reinstall it, with correct language.


  • Hi, I think it was in Estonian...

    Then somehow I manged to restore to default settings rebooted and again had language displayed on display box of dreambox...then I pressed exit one or 2 times and display on Tv was in English.

    However, the first time it is installed the language selection is not displayed on TV...that is something that can be updated as it is very crucial.

    Later I will go through its settings as I am new to this image to setup its internet connection. Do not know what is the password login...

    Could not login via DCC

    Thanks a lot.

  • I tried but could not connect with comport from laptop...I installed the image via backup software I had on newenigma2 image....

  • .You go to the installation and to the system because it should say paasword and you click on password and enter the password you want.

    Toysoft will probably write to you if it's a different password or you have to change it yourself as I wrote you to do

    Edited once, last by master G: Merged a post created by pinokio0 into this post. ().

  • There is no password, so it's empty. If you want a password (As mandatory for SSH/WinSCP but not Telnet/FTP), you will need to setup a password using telnet (and the command passwd).


  • I have using dreambox for many years but this image is making feel as if I never used a dreambox. ...

    I need to set a particular fixed ip to my box.... is there any internet options in the menu ? Else what do I have to install ? and how?

    Still did not manage to log in with DCC...

  • I have using dreambox for many years but this image is making feel as if I never used a dreambox. ...

    I need to set a particular fixed ip to my box.... is there any internet options in the menu ? Else what do I have to install ? and how?

    Still did not manage to log in with DCC...

    Yes, here you have the menu for the setup,

    Parameters - System - Expert Parameters - Network - then it will show you the RJ45 and the Wifi, naturally select the RJ45 and you will have the same type of menu with all network parameters.

    About the Fixed IP, you can set it up on your router with the Mac Address of your box as well... much more easy as the DM8000 will ask to the DHCP from the Modem the IP, and the Modem will always give that same IP to your DM8000HD Mac Address...


  • Managed to set internet settings.... Thanks.

    Tried to install backup dflash and vhannibal auto settings from japhar addons manager but getting these messages:

    Extensions/dflash (inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in identation(plugin.py, line 103)

    Extensions/NGsetting (name'jsession' is used prior to global declaration (plugin.py, line 356))

    I assume I can install plugins from Japhar feed.

    I am looking for oscam emu 11732 . The one in default image is different I assume...

    Thanks for your help and patience!

  • The JAM is for older images (Python 2), first always install from feeds of image (Python 3 are now most images like ours).

    We are updating the feeds this weekend, for now only the images are updated to yesterday's compile enigma2/openpli.


  • I am trying a fresh install... After an hour to find the correct software for a usb to serial connection, I realised that Dreamup will not work to install the image...

    Do I have to go through http method? Is there a software for this?


  • ...and realised it is much simpler....

    Pepe for now I want to discover this image which seems very clever built for the box...

  • Just to confirm, the japhar addons manager.... some addons are not meant for 8000 HD?

    I was looking to install oscam 11392, do I have to search for ARM or mips version? I used to use mips.... Is this similar to 11732 the one that opens other packages?

    When I select information and about to check software version, a green screen appears and the dreambox reboots...

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