Problems on Swiss channels

There are 4 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 386 times. The last Post () by oaperino61.

  • Hello everyone... for about 15 days I have had a problem with the SRG Suisse decode (RSI la1 and rsila2). Both with cccam and with oscam, it doesn't seem to work anymore... while everything works as before on satellite TV channels or on Polish ones. Does anyone know if anything has changed?

    Hello and thanks

  • As far as I know, it has NOT changed anything, I can see with Oscam and it updates my SRG V.6.0 monthly without any problems.

    Tks for your answer... I understand you have a card.... I use some lines that continue to work fine with TVSAT channels (italian channels) and polish channels such as Premim Sport and so on. I don't know why but swiss channels from a couple of weeks give me problem

    My STB is VU+Solo4k and I'm using OBH 5.4 (same result trying with other old version of OBH)

  • As far as I know, it has NOT changed anything, I can see with Oscam and it updates my SRG V.6.0 monthly without any problems.

    Tks for your answer... I understand you have a card.... I use some lines that continue to work fine with TVSAT channels (italian channels) and polish channels such as Premim Sport and so on. I don't know why but swiss channels from a couple of weeks give me problem

    My STB is VU+Solo4k and I'm using OBH 5.4 (same result trying with other old version of OBH)

    The Swiss channels come from another card, not Polish neither Italian Tivusat cards.

    So it means your contact has his card deactivated or not functionnal anymore.


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