Vu+ Solo Picture Freezing

There are 4 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 4,323 times. The last Post () by dasduffer.

  • Hiya,

    I have a Vu+ Solo bout two years old now and ever since I updated the ViX image last September from 2.4 to 3.0 I have had freezing pictures on all encrypted
    channels (FTA are all ok). I thought it was one particular share however it freezes on all my shares. I did have trouble downgrading back to 2.4 (I did post a thread
    at the time) however when eventually I did downgrade, there was still picture freezing. Basically I put up with it as my viewing habits are such that the TV is on
    while I surf the web, listen to the radio etc.

    Last weekend there was some boxing on Sly I fancied watching but it was impossible with all the freezing so I thought I'd sort it out. I was using ViX 2.4 and CCcam 2.1.3
    and so swapped for Blackhole 2.0.1 and CCcam 2.3.0 however still the picture freezing so that kinda says it's not the image or the softcam. Internet connection? No concerns
    with it prior to installing ViX 3.0. Whenever I have issues with my broadband then it effects all connected devices not just my Vu+ Solo.

    I did read somewhere (probably on here but can't find the thread) that when installing ViX 3.0 it updates the kernel to 3.1.1 and that whatever you try and flash afterwards
    the kernel will remain 3.1.1 and that there were memory issues with this kernel. Is that right?

    Any ideas guys?

    Many thanks.

  • I very much doubt there is an issue with your receiver - if you have no other internet issues, then it may still well be an issue with your shares - does it happen on all encrypted channels? You say you watched boxing - if this was on boxnation then there are issues with this channel in sharing anyway.

    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


  • I swapped back to ViX from Blackhole and before doing so I re-flashed the boot upgrader so to see if it made any difference and hey presto no freezing pictures at all. Sorted or so I thought. This effing box is now at varying stages and for whatever reasons permanantly stuck in the loading screen with the revolving ViX top left corner. Reset button on the back of the receiver makes no difference nor does turning off at the mains. Only thing that works is a re-flash (I'm on my 5th or 6th reflash this morning) and during the re-flash process at some stage it will need to restart itself (ie after installing cccam) and then not restart just the loading screen. I'm a patient guy but jeez something is gonna snap soon. Any ideas please?

  • Managed to get it up and running, and ok for a week then today lost all clients so reset router. No difference so then reset router and restarted vu+ box and hey effing presto it is stuck once again on the loading screen :ah: What gives with it getting stuck again and again when restarting?

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