New Vu+ Solo - flashing blue light after update

There are 15 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 3,926 times. The last Post () by bighun.

  • I bought this box from a seller with 100% feedback selling New Vu+ Solo boxes.
    I can post the link if the info will help, but wasn't sure if that was allowed?
    But this was the description:
    Vu + Solo Hd Box Enigma2 Latest Vix 3.0 image Installed

    Vu+ solo hd box

    Comes with latest Vix 3.0 image installed

    you can safely flash any other genuine image like blackhole 1.79 etc from there website

    Hdmi cable
    Audio leads

    China version latest takes all images with no patch or old drivers

    please be aware that Ferrari version or other versions don't have the latest update
    if your thinking of buying from another seller just ask the seller if can you put blackhole 1.78 on it, if you can't its old version of solo hd box

    this model we sell allows latest images to work and software update can safely be used within the image

    I have only just noticed that is says China version when I have pasted it here, however it does actually say made in Korea on the back.

    It started up fine and I got a picture on BBC channels etc. Once i started trying to add an EPG and tspanel, it was having none of it. Sometimes needing a reset.

    I noticed that in VIX it said an update was available, so I pressed it.

    It downloaded something and since then it only boots up to the vix screen and then nothing works. No buttons had any effect.

    I have downloaded the latest vix (and some others) image and installed it via USB and all it does is flashing blue LED when it has copied all the files across (well i presume it has). Nothing at all on the screen since the USB updates.

    I looked for this online and people seem to say a BLUE LED is either a duo box (which has a display so isnt) or a clone. There was nothing in the ad to say its a clone though?

    I have contacted the seller just an hour back, but would like any kind of back up I can get off here if I need it? It was just the cheapest available, I didn't want a clone and would have paid more for others, but feedback is good..

    Thanks in advance, not the best start but I am determined to enjoy this hobby! (I have moved from a spiderbox!)

  • I think you have a clone mate....and if its from China then it defo is lol!

    You say you have tried other Image Builds...and still get the same problem.....hangs when loading (background comes up but no menus e.t.c)??

    This seems like the clone issues!

    this model we sell allows latest images to work and software update can safely be used within the image

    That proved that theory incorrect

    When you say you added Tspanel and EPG it was having none of it....what actually happened....did screen open up and did it look like it installed?
    Could you see TSpanel in Menu? Did it crash e.t.c very vague

    2 options Return to Sender and buy a proper one or fix what you have!???????


    "Don't Gain The World & Lose Your Soul, Wisdom Is Better Than Silver Or Gold"
    “Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction”

  • That's what I started to suspect from all the posts that I have read in the last couple of days!
    I don't want a clone so as soon as he gives me chacne to return it (and he better or his 100% feedback will go, I don't think writing in there China version takes latest images is clear enough! although missing that when I bought it was my fault, but every other seems to say CLONE in the title!) I will be onto World Of Satellite to get one I can trust. The time messing around is not worth the money saving.

    TS Panel - it installed and then when I went into plugins, a message came up first (which for the life of me I can't remember what it said) before going into the plugin section which did not have TS panel in it. TS Panel was mentioned though in that message..

  • hmm strange...but yep get it shipped back...get you dosh and look at a original Vu......if you can stretch to a solo2 CUSHTY! if not any Vu is a good Choice!


    "Don't Gain The World & Lose Your Soul, Wisdom Is Better Than Silver Or Gold"
    “Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction”

  • Bad Magic NUmber!! That was the error message! FOund it in my history!

    Def will be an original Vu!! Solo 2.. will see!!

    Thank you!

    Thats just telling you that the plugin you were trying to use was the wrong python version. It's common when using some older plugins but nothing to worry about, I would say this however and i know people will say i'm repeating my self because i am, but i would stay away from TSpanel with the ViX image or any other image based on either Pli or the OE-Alliance as it is known to cause issues with timeshift and network / usb mounts plus more.

    OpenViX on Twitter @0penViX

  • Thats just telling you that the plugin you were trying to use was the wrong python version. It's common when using some older plugins but nothing to worry about, I would say this however and i know people will say i'm repeating my self because i am, but i would stay away from TSpanel with the ViX image or any other image based on either Pli or the OE-Alliance as it is known to cause issues with timeshift and network / usb mounts plus more.

    Second this spent 3 hours last night thinking WTF without reading forum lol!

    TSPanel and New Vix = Computer Says No! and HDD disappears lol!

    Make use of the Ipks on the forum and Manual Install or use the Image Plugins Panel = SIMPLES


    "Don't Gain The World & Lose Your Soul, Wisdom Is Better Than Silver Or Gold"
    “Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction”

  • Second this spent 3 hours last night thinking WTF without reading forum lol!

    TSPanel and New Vix = Computer Says No! and HDD disappears lol!

    Make use of the Ipks on the forum and Manual Install or use the Image Plugins Panel = SIMPLES

    Thats actually a more common occurrence than you'd think, the natural instinct being to blame the image. We spent a lot of time trying to track down such issues both as reported by the BETA testers and users before we realized the culprit was the TSpanel.

    personally i have all of my most used plugins on my NAS where i know there in easy reach, any thing else is easy enough to source.

    OpenViX on Twitter @0penViX

  • Thanks for all the advice, will keep clear of TSpanel too, it just sounded easier! But in the end, more hassle!

    The guy got back to me and said Yes they are clones, but really good!!
    To be fair though, he is offering me my money back, which I am going to take and now go and purchase a new ORIGINAL one from the advert at the top!

    Something like this that I am fairly new to, even different coloured LEDS are enough to start wondering if the right thing is happening so I am 100% original!

  • Slightly off topic, whilst reading around I saw that someone had said the unit will only accept a USB HDD that has it's own power source. I have not seen this statement around anywhere else. Is this true?

  • vu+solo will only take an external hard drive as there is no option to install an internal hard drive, although it can be modified to take one, which is probably beyond the average user. All others can take imternal hard drives...

  • I know if you buy cheap you get I have got the open box s6000hd which is a vu+solo HD clone it runs a wee bit hot because it has passive cooling I installed the black hole 2.0.3 hyperspace by van gerwen which has tsplayer installed so far I am very impressed with my box for which I paid £75 delivered

VU+ SOLO PVR Ready Linux Enigma2 Receiver Full HD 1080p

Download VUPlus Images and Enigma2 Team Support from Black Hole, OpenATV, OpenBH, Open Black Hole, OpenDroid, OpenESi, OpenHDF, OpenLD, OpenPLi, OpenSPA, OpenViX, Open Vision, PKT Hyperion, PurE2, SatDreamGR, VTi.

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