have i killed my white card?

There is 1 reply in this Thread which was already clicked 559 times. The last Post () by canthackit.

  • Hi

    i've been having problems with my white card and cccam keep disconnecting, i've d/l an open pli image by aguda and set cccam and all was working.
    i thought i'd try to get one of my multiroom cards to work, it didn't so i put the original card back in rebooted and restarted the cam and nothing, i tried and tried it just wouldn't clear, so i reinstalled the image transfered my files started cccam and still nothing, ive tried oscam/cccam that wont work either.

    so subject to the title, have i killed my card?

    regards: canthackit

  • OK got it working.

    i tried CCcam and oscam-exprimental disabled both and rebooted it cleared upon boot without me having to restart either cam.
    pheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew assuming it's going to work for a while i'm gonna leave well alone lol
    regards: canthackit

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