oscam reshares

There is 1 reply in this Thread which was already clicked 669 times. The last Post () by musogeek.

  • Hi

    I've got oscam running now as server/client, I want to be able to assign each individual client their own rights, I've tried the obvious way set reshare in cccam to 0 and tried to edit each client in /user.

    that didn't work nither did any of the other metods I tried.

    if there is a correct way of doing it what is it please.

    and if there is a tut here I cant find it

    regards: cantackit

  • quoted from oscam wiki - apply to each account in oscam.user


    cccreshare = -1 # use reshare level defined in oscam.conf - default
    = 0 # reshare for direct peer only
    = 1 # resharing for direct peer and next level

    also you can change the level of hops you are sharing with a client


    cccmaxhops = -1 # CCcam disbled for this user
    0 # local SCs only
    1 # local SCs + 1 hop
    2 # local SCs + 2 hops
    # and so on

    If I take a while to respond, you can see why.....


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