help on my 500c

There are 7 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 1,322 times. The last Post () by insoh.

  • Hi guys,i really need your help on this. I'm from sg. I screwed up big time on my box and my friend's box too.

    1st problem on my box,my hand itchy i decided to flash a new image using the internet update on my box. i did not make any backup of my keys or the scce file. So now i'm left with the fta channels only. All the other channels are gone. So i thought i could solve the problem if i could borrow my friend's box and copy the keys over to my box,which led to the second problem.

    2nd problem on my friend's box. he's using pli jade image. I couldn't go into telnet as the password for my friend's box was changed. So i decided to go into the box setup to see if the tux commander plugin is installed. i read that this plugin can change the password. However the setup was pin locked. after entering pin numbers from 0000 right up to 0755 i managed to get it. no joy,plugin was not installed. so i decided to install the plugin from the software management/downloads. when i click on the tux commander, i'm always stuck on the box saying" please wait,downloading tux commander" when i press exit i get this error message "download failed.please check available space and your communication setting" so i thought there is not enough space on the box and i deleted some games and plugins. However due to my stupidness,frustratedness and tiredness i accidently deleted the softcam on the box and now the box is left with only the fta channels too. All other channel are gone. The osd shows the channels but no sound and picture.

    So there you have guys,sorry if it's too long winded. I really hope someone can help me solve my problems. Thanks

  • Dm500c so i assume virgin or upc ireland? you should have found the box password earlier and made a backup image and/or config backup from at least one of the boxes but i suppose hindsight is a great thing.

    Anyway dont matter as i am not entirely sure what help you are wanting here mate because if you have deleted all server details from both boxes then you will have to contact your payserver// or friend to retreive these details ! Little warning tho if you are using payservers is that it is well documented on here that no support will be given on the site if you yourself use payservers!!


  • Dm500c so i assume virgin or upc ireland

    The member is from singapore (sg) they are still in transition from n1 to n3, and going really slowly although new boxes being released will speed things up.
    All the op has to do is make a backup of a working image and flash it to another box.

  • The member is from singapore (sg) they are still in transition from n1 to n3, and going really slowly although new boxes being released will speed things up.
    All the op has to do is make a backup of a working image and flash it to another box.

    yup. now another problem surfaced. Managed to get both sets working again but stupid of me to reflash my friend's box with his original image and now the box is stuck at boot up. Black screen with green light on box. Using dreamup also failed as it's stuck at "connection prepared now switch on the dreambox". using a null mdem cable with a usb to serial port converter. so now it's either my usb ports or the null cable is sh*t? Guess i need to try it on a computer with a serial port 1st i guess

  • indeed it was the usb convertor that was giving problems. Managed to find a pc with serial port and flash it using dreamup

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