*** it and new codec H.265

There are 2 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 1,703 times. The last Post () by diovedeeprovvede.

  • Hi,
    S.k.y it is transmitting with the new codec H.265 some channels, like national geo hd cinema 1 hd sport 3 hd ecc.
    Is there any solution to see them?
    The problem is that oscam don't encode, or codec to install on dreambox?
    I think it's a problem of codec...
    Thanks for any suggestions!

  • Nothing to do with new codec, the problem is a kind of marriage between card and box. They asks you card number and box number to reactivate the normal vision on locked channels.

    So in theory in the future we should add the parameters card number and box number in oscam conf?

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