oscam-cccam ports

There are 6 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 2,240 times. The last Post () by davvo.

  • Not advisable to have both emu's running with same port.
    Just change it over in one go.
    Is your server a pc or receiver.
    If it's a receiver, i'd back it up fully (just incase things go wrong), copy cccam-oscam configs to desktop and then uninstall cccam/oscam completely.
    Re-install oscam only.
    Configure oscam then to run as your only emu and use the port that was originally used in cccam.
    Use this tool to convert your f lines/clines/nlines from your cccam config to oscam:
    You can find emu's on our addons panel (for receiver):
    If your having problems, just post them up.
    Remember, having a backup of your original configs makes setting oscam up much easier.

  • i am using a pc server, I already have an instance of oscam reading the card, I need to run another on same port as cccam was running

    what is the details I have to put in a peer account to have a reshare and he keeps using the cline.

    uniq = 1

  • It can be done with the oscam instance you already have running.
    Backup your configs first.

    Your line to him

    Change the cccam entry in oscam.conf to allow oscam to use the port cccam uses.


    port = same one you use for cccam server listening port
    reshare = 1 (allows reshare)

    His account:


    group=1 (gives him access to your card if your card is in group 1)
    cccreshare=1 (gives him reshare)

    Your c-line to friend then looks like
    c: dyn.dns port peer1 peerpas1 (same as cline you already gave out)

    His line to you

    The line your peer has given you just needs to be converted into a "reader" and goes into the oscam.server config.
    Use the cccam convertor tool to convert it. (paste in the line and hit convert, copy the details in the bottom window and paste into the oscam.server.config file)
    Good practice to change the group to 2 (if your card is in group 1)
    Should look something like this:

    Then, your "account" in oscam.user config can be created to reflect your existing cline to your receiver)

    Delete cccam configs.

    Restart oscam.

    You may also wish to remove cccam altogether from server now as it isn't being used but trying to run both on the same port may cause issues.

    If you get stuck, just post up or pm your full configs (remove sensitive stuff) and we'll put you in the right direction.

  • I would like more having one oscam for card+users and one for peers

    created another instance for oscam and currently trying to change the check script and startup config

    - - - Updated - - -

    I am having problems with the oscam check script.

    if oscam (the first instance) process stops the script doesn't detect that it stopped and it is logging : oscam is still OK!
    if oscam2 (the second instance) process stops it restarts the process (on oscam2 the script is working fine)

    below please find the check script.

    Edited 3 times, last by dejv ().

  • I haven't ever needed to run more than one instance of oscam but I did come across this:


    As of ubuntu 10.04 don't use the name oscam in the script or the logfile.
    Name it ServerOK.sh or Ubuntu will always find an instance of "oscam"!

    Taken from here:

    These threads may also be helpful:

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