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There is 1 reply in this Thread which was already clicked 431 times. The last Post () by abu baniaz.

  • Hi,
    have just changed from vix to open BH. Have always used the ABM which comes with that image, and now am struggling a bit to set up Lraizer. I have set it to my area North East Midlands, but when I scan it is not showing BBC east midlands as 1st channel, but HD and in fact I cannot find it anywhere in the Entertainment bouquet. Any guidance on this appreciated. Also I cannot see a way to exclude certain bouquets ie shopping/religion etc which I do not want. I have gone through the menu and deleted them individually and then purged them, but on next download they were back. I'm sure its in there somewhere. Just got to find it


    edit found East midlands channel and moved it to top of list. Did a rescan and is still there

    - - - Updated - - -

    further update
    east midlands channel has disappeared again from top of list

    Edited once, last by huester ().

    • Official Post

    A screenshot of the settings page would show exactly what settings you are using. As well as teh version date of the plugin. I presume you have the custom chnannel swap enabled.

    ABM will work on Open Blackhole. It doesn't on the normal blackhole natively. They are freee to submit chanegs to make it compatible if they want.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Q/S= Question/Statement
    R= Response

    I have set it to my area North East Midlands, but when I scan it is not showing BBC east midlands as 1st channel, but HD and in fact I cannot find it anywhere in the Entertainment bouquet. Any guidance on this appreciated.

    Disable Custom chanenl swap.

    Also I cannot see a way to exclude certain bouquets ie shopping/religion etc which I do not want. I have gone through the menu and deleted them individually and then purged them, but on next download they were back. I'm sure its in there somewhere. Just got to find it

    Set "make all default bouquet = NO". Ensure unlinked bouquets in your image is off. Delete the bouquets using image facilities/options, (ie nothing to do with plugin). AB 28.2 will honour teh deletions/order of the bouquets.
    N.B If you want to press channel numbers and reach same numebring as SKy, you must have teh large first bouquet and it must be first.

    edit found East midlands channel and moved it to top of list. Did a rescan and is still there

    Both ABM and AB 28.2 are programmed to place chanenls in a particular order, namely as per teh data on the satellite. if you manually move a channel, when they next run, tehy will place chanenls in teh same order as the programming. You can alter the order of chanenls, you have to edit/create some files. But maybe best to discuss this later.

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