Oscam and hop 3

There are 2 replies in this Thread which was already clicked 1,398 times. The last Post () by bodiddly.

  • Now that I finally have Oscam working for my setup after having to revert back to CCcam because of problems. The only little niggle I have now (it may not be a problem), is every now and again, if I switch channels I see one of my peers is giving me his share at hop 3. This normally reverts quickly to hop 1 or hop 2. Is there a way in Oscam to block all hop 3 shares? Or is hop 3 OK in Oscam?


  • If you want to limit to a specific number of hops then change/add this to the peers reader

    This will give your his local and anything he has in hop 1 and 2
    Increase or decrease it to vary the amount of hops you'd like from him

  • Thanx codar. I suspected that was how you did the limits as that is what I already do but I still recieve hop 3 shares. It`s not really a problem though as I very rarely get a hop 3 and when I do its stable enough for me to watch. I just thought if I removed the hop 3s it would be better for my server.
    Thanx again bud.


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