Posts by master G

    By YouKnowWho

    this is a auto installer for a installed ubuntu system
    done with my auto install script.
    Or the same as this setup from CCcam server.
    the "install" is for 1 Cccam version
    What to do? take the oscam_install_pack and the script
    place them in /tmp
    fill in the user name from you in this system OWNER=
    do that in linux!! or clean the script after that in

    then chmod 755 the script and run it from terminal
    when installed check the settings in the oscam files in /usr/local/etc if they are correct for you.
    the oscam version used= OSCAM 0.99.4svn build #3023


    1.0.0 RC3
    - added send message to neutrino
    - fixed parser. remove NULL chars from html code before parse.
    this is also a fix to entitlements for orf cards
    - add threading sftp connect to reduce application hangs

    1.0.0 RC2
    - fixed syslog name resolution
    - added config value html_debug
    - added config value connection read_timeout
    - fixed parser get client connect info

    1.0.0 RC1
    - first release candidate
    - fixed save application size and position
    - fixed never shown auth required dialog when app restored
    - added option to disable syslog message debug if main debug enabled
    - fixed syslog get ip from hostname
    - added syslog simple check config values for multi tabbed
    - fixed syslog theme and color scheme
    - fixed parser strip unneeded text from html source
    - fixed parser get correct client username like user1 and user10
    - fixed show all entitlements
    - added function send message to dreambox client. supports Enigma 1 and Enigma 2

    0.9.9 BETA
    - this is the last pre-release. then comes version 1.0
    - added syslog to file
    - added multi tabbed syslog server console
    u can log up to 20 server in a separately tab
    take a look in config.ini how it works
    - changed config value cccam_only to logall
    - added syslog show red color if entry contains 'failed'
    - added direct config. this is still untestet.
    - added new reelboox lite path to auto detect CCcam.cfg
    - added new reelbox avantgarde path to auto detect CCcam.usr
    - added active clients on home tab. (but not active)
    - changed storing config values to a separately file
    - many code improvements / code redesigns
    - fixes fixes fixes ;)

    0.9.8 preview 5
    - added syslog server
    syslog can log all or only cccam messages
    - added lock display function to syslog
    - added CCcam.channelinfo handler to syslog
    copy this file to application path to handle
    - added simple shares info
    - added ungroup switch to shares info
    - automatic ungrouping on refresh shares
    - added row color to server and client info
    - added reply message to ftp connection
    - fixed client active switch
    - added grids doublebuffer reduce flicker
    - many code improvements

    - added http authentication mechanism with login dialog
    - added server and client notes
    - added filter for line parser. use '##' to comment out
    - added tray icon to application hide
    - fixed set limits gbox line
    - no longer include pscp. you may download it separately

    - added sftp (secure ftp over ssh) using putty's pscp
    - some code improvements on save and load CCcam.cfg

    - fixed line parser
    - fixed functions to enable/disable server
    - limit newcamd des key 14 byte hex

    - added support for any server lines (cccam, newcs, radegast, camd3, gbox)
    - some code improvements
    - fixed optional ftp directory
    - fixed some small parser bugs

    - fixed ftp client engine (binary and passive transfer)
    - works with dbox2
    - added optional configure a ftp directory to CCcam.cfg in each profile
    to override the automatic detection

    - first public beta released
    - monitoring cccam
    - add/edit/delete F and C lines
    - show entitlements
    - automatic detection path to CCcam.cfg

    Cccam Onestep cc info

    To install Linux on a computer that has never had it installed previously, you must convert the file system of the hard drive to something that Linux can use natively, such as EXT3. Nearly all Linux distributions include disk portioning in the install process, but in some cases, it may not be able to do everything a user may need, such as resizing certain file systems. Fortunately, there is an easy solution to this problem. The GParted Live CD is a feature-rich disk-portioning utility that runs on top of a custom version of Linux. The software runs directly from the CD, so there is no need to install it and then remove it at a later point.
    This is also very handy for recovering troublesome hdd & usb sticks.


    1. Download the latest stable version of the GParted Live CD . It will be packaged in the ISO format, which is a bit-for-bit copy of a CD.

    2. Burn the ISO image to a blank CD-R. Many CD-burning software packages can handle ISO images, but there are also a variety of free programs available on the Internet, if you do not have an appropriate program.

    3. Insert the CD-ROM into the target computer?s drive, then reboot. Many computers will boot right from the CD, but if the CD does not boot, you must change the boot order in the BIOS or Setup menu of the computer. Refer to the owner?s manual of the computer for instructions on entering the BIOS.

    4. Press ?Enter? when the text-based bootloader menu displays. This will boot the CD with the default settings, which is sufficient for most computers.

    5. Select ?Don?t Touch Keymap? at the next screen, and press ?Enter.?

    6. Press ?Enter? to select English as your language, or type the number of the correct language into the prompt, and press ?Enter.?

    7.Choose the default video settings at the next prompt by pressing ?Enter.? In a few seconds, a graphical desktop will appear, and the GParted portioning program will already be running.

    8. Inspect the list of the current partitions on your machine. If you had previously used Windows, for instance, there will generally be a single partition on the first hard drive, which is formatted to NTFS, FAT32 or FAT16.

    9. Resize or delete the partition for the current operating system. If you are no longer going to use that operating system, you may delete the partition. If you plan on using both the old operating system and Linux, the partition should be resized.

    10. Create a new EXT3 partition in the newly free space. This will be the Linux native partition, and it should use nearly all of the free space, except for the amount devoted to the swap partition, discussed below. If asked to set a mount point, select ?/? or root.

    11. Create the swap partition in the remaining space, and format it to the Linux-SWAP file system. In most cases, the swap partition should be equal to or slightly larger than the amount of physical memory in your machine. The previously created EXT3 partition will use the rest of the free space, but it is advisable to plan the partition sizes beforehand to create the EXT3 partition first.

    12. Commit the changes to the disk by clicking the ?Apply? button. After the changes are completed, you may exit the GParted Live CD by double-clicking the ?Exit? icon.

    13. Start installing the version of Linux you would like to try. When the disk partitioner is run during the installation process, point it to the partitions you just created.

    o% handled means the peer doesnt have the channels that were requested.
    But you have to consider does that card have differant packages ? eg. only sky sports or only movies etc.
    Does the card share the same caid as another provider ? eg. baa : 0 CONAX-TRING(16E); HELLO HD(9E) two differant providers.
    If your peer were using sid assign and had the package he said he had then you would get 100% ecms handled.

    The image is setup to go to standby. Change the ViX Team Power Manager - This allows you to enable standby at a specific time, ... This can be found in Menu -> Setup -> ViX -> Image Manager.
    Sounds like the image is struggling to process your request.
    I would setup a swapfile on your Vu+DUO, it will give you more external ram and should help with the spinning logo.


    1.If I have been given a cline and I add it to lets say for example a DM500s or DM800. Can I set up multiroom with other DM500s to use that single cline?

    Only if you have been given reshare, you will need an extra reshare for each receiver.


    2. If you were setting up a cccam server and wanted to get maximum (cline) usage from your local card. What kit would you use. eg: is a fast PC running debian/ubunto and a specific card reader (recommendations welcome) faster than a DM800. Assume there is a very fast internet connection. Can you cache the EMM's for faster response times?

    Debian/ubuntu wont be any faster at sharing your card than a DM800, they will be the same.
    The differances are the debian/ubuntu will allow you to add more peers than the dm800 because its limited by the amount of internal ram is has.
    The debian/ubuntu is more secure because it has built in iptables that will block illegal access attempts on your server.
    The amount you can share your card will limit you before the hardware will, too many connections at the same time will cause freezing for all your peers.
    You would change the smartcard clock frequency to improve ecm times on the card.