Posts by mistong

    Hi All I am looking for some help in getting back on track with my trouble shooting. I am back home for Christmas and my dad is looking for me to fix the box I set up for him in 2014

    I have a VUSolo2 running blackhole and enigma2 cams 2.3 (I have 4 of these installed and I have cycled through them with the blue button)

    I am using an N Line that I have tested in testious and I am getting all green with this.

    The system has worked fine for about 2 years i.e. since 2014 and just stopped about 2 months back. Just receiving the free channels now and the SNR of the others is fine.

    Not sure if I need to just do a reinstall or what my next step should be.

    Any help would be appropriated.

    Also let me know what other info would be useful if I have not provided.