Posts by prius4

    Thanks MISU but all this list on openpli 4 plus the nodejs must be installed or just the two you tell me

    opkg update
    opkg install curl
    opkg install wge
    opkg install openvpn
    opkg install busybox-cron
    opkg install nano
    opkg install python-lxml
    opkg install cur14

    opkg update
    opkg install boxbranding
    opkg install python-lxml

    Dm800 se original no web interface

    where error thanks


    logfile = /tmp/ncam.log

    clienttimeout = 12000

    fallbacktimeout = 3000

    bindwait = 60

    netprio = 1

    maxlogsize = 1024

    waitforcards_extra_delay = 200

    preferlocalcards = 1

    readerrestartseconds = 1

    block_same_ip = 0

    block_same_name = 0

    lb_nbest_readers = 6

    lb_nfb_readers = 6

    ecmfmt = P: c:p:s:d:i: #ECM_L:l #CW=w HOP:j

    failbantime = 1440

    failbancount = 2


    enabled = 1

    numusers = 1

    samples = 5

    penalty = 1

    aclogfile = /tmp/aclog.log

    denysamples = 4


    delay = 100

    max_time = 30


    port = 13001@1811:003600,003315,003311

    suppresscmd08 = 1


    port = 12121@0D96:000004;12122@0624:000000

    key = 0102030405060708091011121314


    port = 12000

    nodeid = 43F7DDF9102A157E

    version = 2.0.11

    reshare = 0

    reshare_mode = 0


    stream_relay_enabled = 0

    stream_emm_enabled = 1


    enabled = 1

    au = 1

    pmt_mode = 0

    delayer = 60

    ecminfo_type = 1

    user = root

    read_sdt = 1

    write_sdt_prov = 1

    extended_cw_api = 2 #[ (1) = OE2.2/2.5 AND (2) = OE2.0 ]

    boxtype = dreambox


    httpport = 8181

    httpuser = root

    httprefresh = 30

    httpshowmeminfo = 1

    httpshowuserinfo = 1

    httpshowcacheexinfo = 1

    httpshowecminfo = 1

    httpshowloadinfo = 1

    httpallowed =,,

    http_status_log = 1

    httputf8 = 0

    Thanks friends I work all afn discovery tandberg biss here is my configuration report any errors



    label =

    enable = 1

    protocol = constcw

    device = /etc/tuxbox/config/

    caid = 2600,0B00,0B02,0500,0963,06AD,0940

    group = 1


    label = EMU

    protocol = emu

    device = emulator

    detect = cd

    services = !afn

    disablecrccws_only_for = 0E00:000000

    caid = 2600,090F,0500,1801,0604,FFFF,0E00,4AE1,1010

    ident = 090F:000000;0500:000000,023800,021110,007400,007800;1801:000 000,007301,001101,002111;0604:000000;2600:000000;FFFF:000000 ;0E00:000000;4AE1:000011,000014,0000FE;1010:000000

    group = 1

    emmcache = 1,5,31,1

    emu_auproviders = 0604:010200;0E00:000000;4AE1:000011,000014,0000FE;1010:00000 0

    emu_datecodedenabled = 1


    label = afn

    protocol = emu

    device = emulator

    detect = cd

    services = afn

    disablecrccws_only_for = 0E00:000000

    cacheex = 1

    cacheex_maxhop = 1

    caid = 0E00

    ident = 0E00:000000

    group = 4

    emmcache = 2,1,2,1

    blockemm-unknown = 1

    lb_weight = 300

    emu_auproviders = 0E00:000000



    logfile = /tmp/oscam.log

    #logfile = stdout

    nice = -1

    preferlocalcards = 1

    block_same_ip = 0

    block_same_name = 0



    stream_relay_enabled = 0


    enabled = 1

    au = 1

    pmt_mode = 0

    delayer = 60

    ecminfo_type = 1

    user = dvbapiau

    read_sdt = 1

    write_sdt_prov = 1

    extended_cw_api = 2

    boxtype = dreambox


    httpport = 8181

    httpuser = root

    httptpl = /etc/tuxbox/config/tpl/

    httprefresh = 30

    httpshowmeminfo = 1

    httpshowuserinfo = 1

    httpshowcacheexinfo = 1

    httpshowecminfo = 1

    httpshowloadinfo = 1

    httpallowed =,

    http_status_log = 1

    Good morning my configuration decoder dm800se original with openpli 4 and oscam 11438 everything works except afn where I'm wrong thanks



    label = SoftCam.Key

    protocol = constcw

    device = /etc/tuxbox/config/SoftCam.Key

    cacheex = 0

    cacheex_maxhop = 0

    cacheex_allow_request = 0

    group = 1

    dropbadcws = 0

    disablecrccws = 0


    label = emulator

    protocol = emu

    device = emulator

    caid = 2600,FFFF,0E00,1010,0500

    detect = cd

    ident = 2600:000000;FFFF:000000;0E00:000000;1010:000000;0500:021110

    group = 3

    emmcache = 1,3,2,1

    emu_auproviders = 0E00:000000


    label = afn

    protocol = emu

    device = emulator

    services = afn

    cacheex = 1

    caid = 0E00

    detect = cd

    ident = 0E00:000000

    group = 1

    emmcache = 2,1,2,1

    dropbadcws = 1

    emu_auproviders = 0E00:000000



    logfile = /tmp/oscam.log

    #logfile = stdout

    nice = -1

    preferlocalcards = 1

    block_same_ip = 0

    block_same_name = 0



    stream_relay_enabled = 0


    enabled = 1

    au = 1

    pmt_mode = 0

    delayer = 60

    ecminfo_type = 1

    user =

    read_sdt = 1

    write_sdt_prov = 1

    extended_cw_api = 2

    boxtype = dreambox


    httpport = 8181

    httpuser = root

    httptpl = /etc/tuxbox/config/tpl/

    httprefresh = 30

    httpshowmeminfo = 1

    httpshowuserinfo = 1

    httpshowcacheexinfo = 1

    httpshowecminfo = 1

    httpshowloadinfo = 1

    httpallowed =,

    http_status_log = 1


    caid = 0E00

    provid = 000000

    srvid = 0066,0067,0068,0069,006A,006B,006C,006D