Posts by toontje69

    I dont get it......Is Kodilite 17.0 now possible on my Linux satreceiver.

    You see in most cases all reclame like the below banners amd it seems for me that there is a lot possible.

    but i dont get enything in good cheap.

    I only can see tv but nothing else, but they said that there were a lot possible with the MUT@NT HD51 4K

    but let mee see howi fix this and pull the best out of my box...........


    How did you install this please ? this is also my question.

    I have a Mut@nt HD51 4K but i dont see software for Kodidirect on my OpenPli 4.0.

    Is this maybe enoughter name or something else!

    If it is something else please adive how and wich IPK whe have to use for install.

    And the help how to install ( USB ) or something different.

    Many thanks already,
