Posts by satman72

    I noticed that the problem occurs only when I use the Solo2 in the vicinity of a Samsung TV set. When I turn off the Samsung the remote control works again! Moreover, when the Solo2 is used with another brand of TV, the RC works very normally. It's really puzzling!
    Any clues?
    Best regards to all

    It can happen if your tv is 3D and uses IR glasses, this should happen just when you watch 3D programs anyway, this because this kind of tv has an IR transmitter to drive 3D glasses. It happens to me with my old Panasonic tv, the new one has blue thoot 3D driving and now all works well.

    I see MHP funcions are enabled on Swiss and German channels (interactive tv) but not on Italian channels (Rai, La7, Mediaset). is possible to implement this funcion on italian channels too? It will be really userful expecially on Rai channels where Rai Replay is transmitted.

    Looking around the net and I see some Paid Servers are claiming a Fix for Sly Italia and offering their service.

    Hacked already?

    They uses old 0919 cards that still works on HD channels (but I don't know for how long) anyway those cards are very slow and are hard to share, so you've long ecm times with alot freezes, in few words HD channels are unwatchable with those cards!

    They're closing all channels day by day, also into original boxes, you need to call them and declare smart card and decoder serial number to be reactivate. Nothing to do with sharing in O*cam you've no subscription channel error. I think they're started pairing, just didn't closed all channels togheter to have time to answer user's calls. They've started with few channels so they've time to handle all reactivation user requests. In one week all channels will be black I suppose.

    I don't like blackhole for two reasones: 1) you can't download cams direct from url but you must copy like ipk and install. 2) The image doesn't allow to work skin HD glass that is my favorite and also BH slows down the box respect to VTI. I'll try openvix and openspa.

    Hi all I wish to share with all my experience on VTI image. I've loaded latest version 6.02 and all works well, but if I launch image update into VTI panel, it downloads one packet that updates mount module. After this update I'm not able to mount HDD and USB memory into receiver, if I try to mount those devices the screen still on waiting picture and nothing happens. So I suggest to all to don't set on line image update if you've this image installed.